The adventures of Gilly the rescue horse and his side kick and partner in crime, Pokey the donkey.


Being with a horse is a journey that never ends. What they have to teach us is amazing; but we must quiet our mind to hear them. ~ jca


Friday, August 22, 2008

Gilly in a barrel

Gilly is checking out a plastic half barrel that I use for jumping and such. He is so nosey, he was also biting the edge of the barrel trying to pick it up.

Here I am tapping Gilly on the withers to get him to step forward into the barrel.
Here we go, he has one foot in it. See he is doing it by himself. He isn't afraid of things like this; which is pretty amazing considering the barrel will move when he steps into it.
Oh, brave Gilly, he has both feet in the barrel! Doesn't he look afraid? Not! When he stepped into the barrel it bumped against his knees and still he didn't seem to mind. This is a fun thing for him to do.
Here is the view from the back. Yep, both feet are firmly in the barrel. I need to think up a lot more things for him to do. The more things I get him to do the more he likes it. He will side pass over poles; back through L shaped poles on the ground. Once I even had him stand with his feet in a circle made of plastic flex pipe and move only his hind feet around the outside, pivoting on his front feet.
This boy has a busy mind and gets bored with the same thing. We will have to work on some new tricks.


Jacque. said...

ohboy, that Gilly is one smart dude!!! And, so handsome! My sister, Julie, will be here next weekend...cannot wait to show her these new photos!

Jennifer MacNeill said...

Gilly is such a handsome boy! Makes me miss my horse. I had to sell him last year when we bought our house. I had raised him since birth.
Love the donkey too - how cute!
I've added your blog to my list of favorites. Thanks for adding mine:)

jane augenstein said...

Thanks Jennifer! So sorry you had to sell your baby :-( I hope someday you are able to get another one.

Doreen Frost said...

What a beautiful guy he is. He seems to have so much character too. I love that.


Anonymous said...

Oh Jane looks like all the Natural Horsemanship training is workin its wonders!!! I love your Tales of Gilly and Pokey Pie! Keep the pictures comin!!! He is SUCH a HANDSOME fella!!!


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