The adventures of Gilly the rescue horse and his side kick and partner in crime, Pokey the donkey.


Being with a horse is a journey that never ends. What they have to teach us is amazing; but we must quiet our mind to hear them. ~ jca


Saturday, September 20, 2008

Little Log Cabin

Last week I went with a friend of mine to see an old horse that used to belong to her. On the way there we passed this grouping of model homes. I have been by there before, you can see the fronts from the Interstate, we were on a gravel road behind them. I got her to stop so I could snap some pictures.
I just love this neat loag cabin! Love the green painted windows too. Downsizing to a house this size would be alright with me.
I didn't go up and look into the windows.........why didn't I??? Now I wish I had. Will have to wait until next time I travel that way again. I don't even know if they were locked or not. No one was around. Will have to check into it more and see if there is a business card or some information on this cute little house.


La Donna Welter said...

Love this little log cabin! If you get to go in, I'd love to see pictures!
I hope you don't mind...I've added your blog to my "Blog Friends"! Thank you for a wonderful visit!
La Donna

jane augenstein said...

La Donna,
Oh, yes I will post pictures if I get to go in or look into the little cabin!
Thank you for adding me to your "friends", you are on my list also!

JoJo said...

Log cabins hold a special place in my heart. Would love to own one. And these look just perfect!! I too would be interested to see what's on the inside.

Jackie said...

Hi Jane
You won't remember me I'm sure...but a couple of years ago we chatted on one of the rug sites and I emailed you about hooking shops around Marietta. Anyway I did find that darling little shop (that was 2 yrs ago now I think). Anyway I just discovered your blog and have enjoyed your pictures so are one talented lady!
I'm still hooking but not as much as I'd like...have started a Primitive and Antiques business with my good friend Terry and that has absorbed all my time.
I listened to your blog music while making dinner this made my day.
Jackie Jones from The Red Door


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