At the top of my blog, that I can see anyway is a garbled message that says my blog has been flagged as having objectionable content. WHAT THE HECK IS THAT???? My music blog has the same thing on it.
Does anyone else have this on their blog? I don't know how to get rid of it either! I checked in the help section of blogger and there are a lot of people with the same problem. The nav bar is missing at the top, I had one heck of a time getting here to post.....that is if I can post! What is up with blogger???
Note: added at 5:30 pm EST. I just checked out my blog on Internet Explorer (which I don't like!) I use Firefox. It appears to be something with Firefox and blogger that is the problem! Great, what next! :-( Anyone else on Firefox having the problem?
I am not having that problem. Hope you can figure it out, or hopefully someone can help you!!
Hey Jane...
Nope, Not having that problem...
About a month ago my Followers LIST was gone. I changed to Firefox because I was having problems with Internet Explorer (Virus). I was told by many that Firefox should be the cure!!!
I never can find the kind of Help I want in their 'HELP' section on Blogger. Then they don't seem to email me back with any answers...I see a lot of complaints from people written about ALL of them...
Just to let you know, from my side I don't see anything that says Flagged and I don't see anything about your music at all (if its on this Blog)
My Best Of Luck to You...Marilyn
Jane, I'm bringing up both your blog and my blog, and I'm not seeing what you are seeing. Could be a difference in our browser settings or you might have a virus that is tossing up fake messages?
Just now I tried to leave this comment on your site and publishing the comment tried to take me somewhere else.
I just read your comment over at my blog, everything looks fine with my nav bar on my end. That is weird that mine showed it was flagged for you. I haven't seen anyone's flagged. Hopefully it's just a blogger problem and it will go away soon!!
Paint Girl, I think it must be Firefox and blogger having problems. I am on Internet Explorer right now and not having the problem. Go figure???
Marilyn, I read on blogger where someone wrote they were having the same problems I am and it was Firefox. I haven't had any problems with Firefox before this.
Nuzzling Muzzles, this computer stuff makes me nuts at times! LOL I hope that it isn't a virus of any kind, hate that! So far things are OK with Internet Explorer.
I don't use Firefox. I don't even know what that is. lol.
No weird messages at my blog, though. Sure hope things get worked out, though.
I'm OK on Safari - no problems with your blog.
If you hover over the "flag blog" key it brings up a message box to notify the owner of objectionable content. I don't think it means that you DO have objectionable stuff, just that readers should use the button if they feel it's noteworthy. Maybe someone accidentally pushed the button?
I have Internet Ex and did have different issues ahwile back. Blogger does seem to get these things fixed pretty quick!
I don't see anything on your blog. I havn't had any of these problems -yet! Good luck.
Your blog looks fine and I don't get the warning message coming into it that there may be questionable content. If you truly had QC then there would be a warning page that I would have to navigate through to get there... I dont know if blogger puts that up if somebody "flags" you though...
Anyway you are all good!!
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