The adventures of Gilly the rescue horse and his side kick and partner in crime, Pokey the donkey.


Being with a horse is a journey that never ends. What they have to teach us is amazing; but we must quiet our mind to hear them. ~ jca


Wednesday, July 30, 2008

I got an award!!!

I got the Kreativ Blogger award from my good friend and fellow hooker Jacque Anderson! I can't believe it, me getting an award for writing and showing off pictures of my farm and mostly for Gilly and Pokey.........they are more famous or infamous than me! LOL
Thank you Jacque, so kind of you to think of me. Jacque's blog is listed on the right, favorite places to visit. Check out her blog, always something interesting going on there!

Here are the rules for accepting the award:

1. I may put the logo on my blog.
2. Put a link to the person you got the award from.
3. Nominate 5 blogs.
4. Put links to the blogs.
5. Leave a message for your nominees.

Since I am new to blogging I don't have a huge list of bloggers on my site but here are some that I am going to nominate.

Julie Zickefoose - my neighbor and friend, writer, birder, photographer and has a great blog to read, always an interesting read.

Beth Nash - of See My Art, also a neighbor, friend, artist; I used to work for her when she made painted silk clothing........I sewed the clothing.

Mary of Mary's View - wonderful pictures, great writer; she always makes me laugh when I read her witty blog!

Jean of Blue Jean Primitives - very talented artist and has a blog that oh, so fun to read!

Jen of The Prairie House Primitives - fellow horse lover and like me used natural horsemanship for training our beloved horses. Talented maker of very primitive goods for your home. Has some of the funniest names for her pets...........just ask her!!!

Thank you again, Jacque for bestowing this honor on me!!! Now, everyone go check out the people I have nominated!


Dogpatch Primitives said...

Jane, your blog is absolutely wonderful! Your pics are a delight, and it's a joy to see your Pokey, Gilly, and the rest of the gang. I'm sure gonna bookmark, and visit more often.


jane augenstein said...

Thanks Patty! I love to take pictures of Pokey-Pie and Gilly; Gilly loves his new buddy, they stick together like a tick on a hound!!! LOL

beth n said...

hey jane, i love seeing the photos of pokey esp. thanks for your encouragement. You OBVIOUSLY know what you are doing.

bluejeanprimitives said...

Jane I love your blog! and Thank you so much for the award!!! xox Jean :)

Alice ~ Folk Art Primitives said...

Congratulations ~ you really are a very good photographer and you have such good subjects right at hand!!

Anonymous said...

Awww Jan thanks for the kind words!!! Keep those pics of Pokey and Gilly coming!!! And as always, happy trails my friend!!!

jane augenstein said...

Jean, thank you and you are welcome!
Love the dolls you make, really neat and oh, so old looking.

jane augenstein said...

Jen, you are most welcome; you make some really primitive looking pieces.
I love your horse pictures, have you found another horse yet???

jane augenstein said...

Thanks Alice! I love to take pictures of my "boys"!

Mary said...

Dear Jane,

Gee, I don't feel worthy of this... I've been a negligent blogger lately - no time for reading others' and little time for posting. But, THANK YOU!

I enjoy Pokey and Gilly. Your narratives make me laugh. Congratulations on your award - you certainly make me smile.

I always wanted a horse. The last time I rode is a story in itself. Buck was something like 15 or 16 hands and I'm 5-1. Ughhhh.

Lucky you having Julie as a neighbor. In the blogospher, she's the real deal. Agree? :-)


jane augenstein said...

Honest, Mary, you blog is a great one. I love reading what you are up to, you are a great narrator of life. I wish I had you witty way of writing. Yes, Julie is a fabulous blogger, can she tell stories or what? She is a dandy!! I'm glad she is my neighbor.

I would love to hear your horse story! Well, Gilly is three inches taller than you are, he is 16 hands, 5 foot 4 inches to be exact and a LONG way to the ground; I know I have been bucked off and fallen on several times!


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