The adventures of Gilly the rescue horse and his side kick and partner in crime, Pokey the donkey.


Being with a horse is a journey that never ends. What they have to teach us is amazing; but we must quiet our mind to hear them. ~ jca


Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Pokey's learned a few tricks!

Here is a picture of me and sweet little Pokey! What a cute little face he has, but what is lurking in that little mind? The wheels are turning in there I can just see it, a leg-locking-you-can't-make-me-move thought has just occurred cause look at the next picture!!
He says, No-way, No-how are you going to make my tiny feet move where you want them to go.
Wanta bet there, Pokey-Pie???? Not only will I make you feet move but your little spotted hiney is going to jump the barrel!!!
OK, OK, so you got me to move.............hey, maybe this jumping isn't so bad after all!!! Watch me, watch me............I can jump the other way too!!!
Right, with a little help from the stick and string snapping at your spotted butt, you are a good little jumper. Hum, how about a spotted hunter/jumper donkey???? Now, where can I get a tiny rider?????


Mary said...

Jane, I LOVE that photo of you coaxing Pokey to move a little. His large freckles are sweet.

What fun you must have with them...

jane augenstein said...

Both are lots of work and LOTS of fun! Pokey, when he doesn't want to do something will plant those cute little feet and not budge! Luckily he is very small and I can push from, he has never offered to kick.

Alice ~ Folk Art Primitives said...

Jane ~ I just your little Pokey ~ I want one!!! Too bad you aren't closer, I would come down and play!!

Anonymous said...

JAne! Look at the Pokey!!! How cute is he!!!

Jacque. said...

Still shaking my head over you getting Pokey. Goofy girl!

jane augenstein said...

I have a plan for Pokey! When I get too old to ride Gilly; Pokey will be trained to harness and I will have a little donkey cart. Pokey and me will go for rides down the road, him pulling the cart of course!!! He doesn't know this yet; but that's my plan!!! LOL


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