The adventures of Gilly the rescue horse and his side kick and partner in crime, Pokey the donkey.


Being with a horse is a journey that never ends. What they have to teach us is amazing; but we must quiet our mind to hear them. ~ jca


Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Gilly at dressage clinic Nov. 2007

I don't have any new pictures to post, the snow came back and it's sloppy and muddy so I thought I would dig out some video of Gilly in November of 2007. He was at a dressage clinic, instructor was a lady originally from UK who now lives in Florida. Her name is Roanne Winnett, at one time she trained and rode the Queen of England's dressage horses; her late husband John Winnett was several times in the 70's the captain of the US dressage team. Sheri is riding Gilly in these videos because I didn't feel that I knew enough to ride him there. It was a fun experience and Roanne said that Gilly had potential! That is if someone else is training and riding him, not me!


Paint Girl said...

Gilly looks good to me! He is so pretty!

Pony Girl said...

That was great, Jane. He's a handsome horse, very powerful and a lot of float in his movement. I can see him doing dressage! How neat to be in that clinic with such a talented trainer.

dexmangoldens said...

Gilly is so great. Is there someplace you can go to ride an experienced dressage horse?? That helped me with my young horse. Keep working on him! Julie

allhorsestuff said...

Oh how lovely Jane!
Gilly has a nice expression and seems so willing! Really nice!
I am going to write more...on E-mail...K?!

Laughing Orca Ranch said...

Gilly looked great! How exciting to watch him run through his paces. He's beautiful!


Desert Rose said...

i don't know too much about dressage but he looked good to me!!!

jane augenstein said...

Paint Girl, thank you!

Pony Girl, thanks, yes, he has a lot of suspension and dressage is good for him.

Julie, I might be able to ride a horse that is experienced. My teachers really good horse died last year. Her new horse isn't that far along in training and is a hand full, not for me! Gilly and I will keep working.

Kac, yes, he likes to do things that are a challenge but he is lazy and we need to get him past that. He is not a big forward mover.

Lisa and Desert Rose, thanks! Gilly does have very pretty moves, now I just have to learn how to ride them!

Five O'Clock Somewhere said...

Wow, what a BIG flowing trot he has, Beautiful! He looks great.

Try and stay dry!

jane augenstein said...

Five O'Clock Somewhere, yes he does have a BIG trot. I wish I would have had her push him into an extended trot. For a horse that had never done it I saw him once and it was beautiful, he really stretches out. I will try to get some video of him sometime to post.
I missed my chance to ride today and now tomorrow it's gonna rain! DARN!


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