The adventures of Gilly the rescue horse and his side kick and partner in crime, Pokey the donkey.


Being with a horse is a journey that never ends. What they have to teach us is amazing; but we must quiet our mind to hear them. ~ jca


Friday, July 10, 2009

Back in the saddle with some new stuff....

Oh, yippee!!! I am back in the saddle again! I rode Gilly this morning and it was great! My shoulder and arm are still somewhat sore but me knee did well, still can't bend it all the way but it is working enough to ride.....I am really happy about that.

I also ordered some new horse stuff for me! A new helmet (yes I got it yesterday so it was on my head when I rode today)

This is my new helmet a Troxel Legacy Gold GPS III and I love it!!! Great fit nice look and I am going to wear it all the time when riding. I was looking at my old helmet last night and it has a crack in it??? How did that happen? I never fell off when wearing it, but yet it has a star crack the size of the end of my little finger on the side. Guess it's a good thing that I got a new helmet.

I also ordered some new half chaps, the others I have are Ariat All Terrain chaps that go really well with my all terrain Ariat boots; I wanted these to go with my Ariat paddock boots. I also got some stuff called Sit-Tight to spray on my saddle seat to keep my butt in place......hey, know what...IT WORKS!!! I was able to sit Gillys bouncy trot today!!!

I don't have any pictures of me and Gil on our ride today but we did ride. Up and down the road, did some trotting and some fast walking but no cantering, yet. On the way home we rode through the hay field where I fell off, he seemed pretty nervous and we just walked. Even Pokey running in the field above the road made him nervous which it hasn't in the past. We rode on up past the house to the next neighbors and another Blue (devil) Heron flew out of the creek in front of us a little way up the road. Gilly just stopped and looked at it but didn't shy. He was a really good boy today and we had a nice ride!!!
Tomorrow we will take another ride then Sunday it's the horse show. Gilly will be busy taking in all the sights and sounds that he has never seen before. What fun; I don't know if I will ride him there or not, it depends on how he responds to all the activity and there will be a lot of little kids running around there. But I will take pictures anyway, stay tuned!!


Grey Horse Matters said...

Sorry to hear about your fall, but things happen. Glad you feel well enough to get back on for a ride. I think the best thing you did is get a new helmet, it's always good to have as much protection...just in case.
I can sympathize with your knee troubles, had mine replaced last Sept. and am just now getting back into riding. It's still a little sore but waiting around isn't going to make it any better. Have fun at the show.

Amanda said...

I am so glad you are back in the saddle again. Hope you get some fun enjoyable rides in.

jane augenstein said...

Grey Horse Matters, thank you and yes things like this happen! Oh, my, knee surgery that's scary! I hope I never have to have that done, recovery is a considerable amount of time and I don't want to miss any ride time. Glad you are back in the saddle too!
Amanda, Thanks, me too!

Jennifer MacNeill said...

Glad to hear you're back in the saddle! Love the new helmet:)

dexmangoldens said...

Love the helmet. Glad you are feeling better. I wouldn't ride Gilly at the horse show. Maybe the second one you take him to. Have a great weekend.

Laughing Orca Ranch said...

Oh! That's such wonderful news. Were you nervous at all? Did you heart skip a beat when the heron flew out?
I'm so worried I'm going to have a panic attack when (or if!) I ever sit on a horse again. gah!
I so want to...but I'm so unsure.

I'm glad Gilly was a good boy for your today and I'm glad you're feeling less sore, too. H,,,///Sit-Tight, eh? Can you send some of that stuff my way when you're done? hehe!

Nice chaps and pretty helmet. You're gonna ride safe in style!


Desert Rose said...

Glad to hear your are stuck back in the saddle again!!! LOL

Dusty Devoe said...

Yippe! Glad your're back riding! I have a troxel helmet too. A little different than yours. It is real comfortable. I HATE wearing it, but I do, even in the arena. I find it's kinda like wearing a seat belt. I feel naked if I forget to put it on. Better to be safe!!!

Paint Girl said...

I am so glad you are able to ride again! Sounds like Gilly was a good boy for you!
Love your new helmet! Looks very nice! When I need a new one, I'll have to look at that one!

Blackfeatherfarm said...

Glad you are riding again, and with new gear too, thats fun !

allhorsestuff said...

Whew! Glad to hear you so chipper . Nice jsut gotta go back to the area and reclaim it..good on you!
At our old the pond were always ducks..we both knew it but when they flew uop and out....jumpy mare all the time..never did get over that area.
I still can't kneel on the top of my knee yet..still sore. Give it careful....tee sound JUST like me get right back out there!
Hope the show is going well and you made some nice traing times together

Kacy w/ Wa mare~
PS nice new riding gear too!

jane augenstein said...

Jennifer, thank you!!
Julie, I didn't ride at the show, I thought he was a little two energetic for my liking!
Lisa, I guess I didn't have time to even think about being scared, it happened so fast. In the blink of an eye I was on the ground. I am so thankful I wasn't hurt. Thanks, yes, I like my new gear!!!
Desert Rose, thanks!!!
Dusty Devoe, I too am not real crazy about wearing a helmet but better that than a cracked head!
Paint Girl, thanks, I like it too, it's nice and if I have to wear one, I wanted it to be a nice one!
Blackfeatherfarm, yay, buying new horse stuff is fun!
Kacy, was really glad to be back on the horse. Being at show was fun but tiring!


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