The adventures of Gilly the rescue horse and his side kick and partner in crime, Pokey the donkey.


Being with a horse is a journey that never ends. What they have to teach us is amazing; but we must quiet our mind to hear them. ~ jca


Tuesday, April 21, 2009


All of these cloud pictures were taken last September. The clouds were fast moving that day and they seemed like you could just reach right up and touch them, beautiful!! (click on each picture to make larger) Enjoy!!


Sarah Sullivan said...

Oh Jane, these are lovely!!!I love clouds and in the Fall they seem to be so crisp like clean sheets - loove them!!!

Thistlebrooms said...

Hope you invisioned something wonderful in each and every 'CLOUD' Jane!!! WISH I COULD GET A CAMERA THAT TAKES SUCH BEAUTIFUL SHOTS!!! Maybe someday...
Always enjoy the Blue Skies...

Desert Rose said...

I love the big poofy white clouds they always seem so clean!

Pony Girl said...

The 3rd cloud photo is amazing! It almost looks like a fluffy white tornado!

jane augenstein said...

Sarah, yes, clouds in the fall are soooo white and BIG!
Marilyn, well, no I didn't look for anything in them they just look like big fluffy balls of cotton floating in the blue sky!
Desert Rose, they are almost blindingly white!
Pony Girl, you are right that does look like a tornado! They were really moving that day too!

Paint Girl said...

Wow! Those pictures really make the clouds stand out! They are beautiful!

cowgirljlynn said...

I always wondered what it be like to be up there walking on clouds!

Blackfeatherfarm said...

So dreamy and lovely ! Oh wait, I think I saw Pokey in one !

dexmangoldens said...

Those are great pictures! That does look like a tornado. When I get my camera I'll take pics of the clouds here. Then we'll compare!!

Anonymous said...

Fantastic photos! By the way, your Blog photo is just priceless!

Amanda said...

I love those clouds. Great job!!

allhorsestuff said...

Breathtaking...I LLLOOOVEEE Clouds!
You really inspire me Jane...these are so lovley and fresh.
Has it stopped rainin' yet? we are about to get some more...but today was lovley for riding(not that I rode outside) come see!!! She did so well...I really think she did so S- - - - - at the othe place because I was so freaked there!
Wait till you see my Sky watch Fri

JoJo said...

What gorgeous pictures!!! A perfect example of the fact that God and Mother Nature have no equal in their beauty.

Laughing Orca Ranch said...

Wow! Amazing cloud photos!
You must live in the clouds. What is your elevation there?

Beautiful skies where you are!


Julia said...

Simply wonderful!

allhorsestuff said...

Weather must be too nice to come and talk to us inside folks ..huh?!
I hope you and your are well sweetie!
I am looking for you~

LuLo Designs/Blue Eyed Tango said...

Thanks for stopping in today. I do think that one cloud looks a bit ominous! They just remind me of cotton! I love to be in an airplane when we climb through these .....looks like heaven. I just adore your header photo! Darling! Luanne

jane augenstein said...

Thanks everyone! I love fall clouds, these look like big puffs of cotton candy floating high above!

Jennifer MacNeill said...

Amazing cloud photos! I just love clouds:) Thanks for sharing.


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