The adventures of Gilly the rescue horse and his side kick and partner in crime, Pokey the donkey.


Being with a horse is a journey that never ends. What they have to teach us is amazing; but we must quiet our mind to hear them. ~ jca


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Gilly's birthday breakfast

I fed Gilly his birthday breakfast this morning; sorry no party hats for the boys. I had to hurry because I had a dentist appointment. But Gilly didn't care about the party hats he just wanted to eat! He had his oats, two slices of bread, his favorite, some applesauce and a handfull of baby carrots. Notice that he ate all around the applesauce, he was saving it for last. I gave Pokey some of the mixture also, except for the bread, Pokey isn't too sure about the bread just yet. But he does like carrots and applesauce. The battery died on the camera before I got him eating.
The birds were certainly happy this morning!


Gail H. Ragsdale said...

How fun!

Desert Rose said...

I just love the sound of them eating! In the PNW I walk the isles of the barn when all 20 of them are muching like that, I love to be there when the have dinner!
OH...Happy Birthday GillY!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh HAppy Birthday to your beautiful boy!!! He is so very lucky to have a partner like you!!!

jane augenstein said...

Gail, doesn't take much to amuse me! LOL
Desert Rose, I love to listen to horses eat, such a relaxing sound.
Jen, thank you, we are both lucky!

Angie @ thejunkranch said...

Happy Day to Gilly! I bet he thinks everyday is his birthday. He's loved for sure!

Paint Girl said...

Gilly was sure enjoying his Birthday mash! Love the birds chirping in the background! Love that sound, of horses and birds!
Happy Bday Gilly!

Laughing Orca Ranch said...

I replayed the video twice...just to relish the sound of his joyful munching. Now THAT was one very happy, spoiled, well-cared-for horse.
And he was even being serenaded by the birds for his birthday. All that was missing was hearing you sing the birthday song. (lol!)

Happy Birthday Gilly!!
May every day be filled with yummy things to eat, room to run, and birds and interesting things to entertain you. :)


laurie said...

Happy Birthday Gilly, hope you had a great day!
A Indiana friend

gtyyup said...

Happy Birthday to a very beautiful boy!!! He sure has grown up nicely...with lots of love and care.

Congrats to both of you!!

Jennifer MacNeill said...

Happy Birthday Gilly!!


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