The adventures of Gilly the rescue horse and his side kick and partner in crime, Pokey the donkey.


Being with a horse is a journey that never ends. What they have to teach us is amazing; but we must quiet our mind to hear them. ~ jca


Monday, May 18, 2009

Happy Birthday to ME!!!

I have a new toy! Yesterday was my birthday, not telling how old....LOL! But have been wanting to get a lap top for some time and found one I liked from Dell, they had a Mother's Day special so ...... my husband said happy mother's day and birthday, since they are a week apart.
Now trying to figure out how to get things from the desktop to the laptop, I know I can do this....yea, right!!! Put all my documents on a flash drive and loaded them onto the laptop but they ALL went to the desk top!!! So now all I see it all my documents and it's covering up the picture on there. LOL OK, I will figure this out and move them where I can't see all of them at the same time. GRRRRRRRRR!!! A new brain exercise for sure!!!


Pony Girl said...

Oh, happy happy Birthday Jane!!! I love the new laptop! I have a Dell, it's like yours, except older and yours is nicer. I bought mine used (it was 1 yr. old) from my friend's dad. It's been a good laptop, I will use it until it dies on me!

jane augenstein said...

Oh, thank you PG!!! I love the laptop too, still getting used to it. the "no" mouse is different but I'll get used to it. I did finally figure out how to get the documents off the desktop.....LOL
So many NEW things to learn!!! And wondering if you can teach an old dog new tricks?????? ;-)

Elizabeth McCrindle said...

Happy Birthday Jane your Dell laptop looks very smart, hope you have lots of fun with it :)

Alice ~ Folk Art Primitives said...

Happy Birthday, Dear Jane!! Great gift and I think it's good for our brains to learn new things and it looks like you're doing well!!! Have fun and hope you had a good birthday!! And you've gotta be younger than me ~ everybody is!!

Katharine Swan said...

Happy birthday, Jane! My mom just got her very first laptop -- a netbook, actually -- and I've been helping her set it up. I wonder what my kids will be helping me with someday. ;o)

Katharine Swan said...

By the way, tell Gilly that since you were nice enough to give him applesauce for HIS birthday, for yours he ought to give you a stress-free ride and a well-behaved creek crossing. ;o)

Sarah Sullivan said...

Oh Happy Birthday Jane!!!! Can you hear me singing?? What a wonderful gift!! You will figure it out. Our new family computer came with Vista - all new details - took me a bit to figure it all out!! Whoo hoo enjoy!!! Hugs, Sarah

Paint Girl said...

Happy Birthday Jane!
What a wonderful Mother's Day and Birthday gift! It looks like a fun new toy!
I have always wanted a laptop, someday.....

Amanda said...

Happy Birthday Jane I am so happy you got something you wanted. Have fun playing with it.

dexmangoldens said...

Happy Birthday. I too have a Dell laptop. I love it. It's the Inspiron 1525. Great deal on it too! Enjoy!

cowgirljlynn said...

Happy Birthday Jane! Enjoy your new computer!

Dusty Devoe said...

Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday dear Jane
Happy Birthday to you!!!
I have a laptop and LOVE it. I can take it to bed with me, LOL, or out on the porch. I use a mouse when at my desk. Have fun!

Julia said...

Aren't new computers so much fun! I love mine too. Although it is six months old it is still awesome.

Gail H. Ragsdale said...

Happy birthday Jane! What a wonderful gift!!

jane augenstein said...

Elizabeth, thank you, yes it's smart alright....maybe more so than me!! LOL
Alice, thank you, well, this is really giving my brain a workout!!
Katharine, I didn't ride Gilly on my birthday but did today. He was pretty good but no creek crossing.
Sarah, oh, yes I can hear you singing happy birthday to me! LOL Vista is different than XP so it will take some getting used to!
Paint Girl, yes, it is a great gift, hope you get one someday too, you will love it!
Amanda, thanks, it's great and I love the 17" screen, can see all my pictures better.
Julie, I was having a hard time deciding of HP or Dell but the Dell had such a good deal on the Studio 17 that I decided on it.
cowgirljlynn, Thanks!!! :-)
Dusty Devoe, oh,thank you for singing to me!!! :-) Oh, yea, i am planning on taking it to the patio, porch, bed all over!!!! Fun!
Julia,oh, yes, love new tech toys!!!
Gail, thank you, yes, it's grand!

Jennifer said...

You forgot to mention what *else* you got for your birthday!


Laughing Orca Ranch said...

YAY! Congrats on your new laptop!
I have a Dell desktop and a Toshiba laptop. I like both, but because of my injury I appreciate my laptop more since I can't sit at a desk for very long without my leg swelling up and my knee becoming stiff.
I spent a lot of time on my latop. Love it!

Have fun with yours!


Jacque. said...

OH. MY. GOSH. How in the heck did I miss your birthday? Happy Belated Birthday, girlfriend. wow...and a new laptop! I am sooo wanting one. Glad you got one! May this year hold all that you want.


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