I was sitting outside on the patio watching the moon come up over the tree line when I took this picture. Beautiful. This was last Saturday evening, I've been busy doing things all week and just haven't posted any.

My little chimnea has been sitting out on the patio all winter just waiting for me to fire it up. Love to sit outside in the evening and watch the fire, listening to the whippoorwill sing it's night song. The roses and honeysuckle are blooming and their perfume is so intoxicating!

Close up of the fire, it's it pretty? Sometimes Gilly and Pokey will come to the fence close to the patio and stand and watch too, mostly I think they are waiting to see if I will go into the house and get them a slice or two of bread to munch on. Funny boys!

This picture was taken yesterday, Sunday, Mike's friend Rick came down with his big tractor and disc mower/conditioner. This really makes our hay dry fast, we only have a disc mower with no conditioner on it, when the grass isn't crimped it takes longer to dry, about a day longer. Yesterday was beautiful, hot sun and windy excellent for drying hay. Tuesday we will be baling and stacking it in the barn. Yay!!!

Sorry about this picture, Mike took it and since he doesn't know how to operate my 35mm digital he got it out of focus but you get the idea. Yes, that's me on Gilly bareback and with only a rope halter on. We rode up and down the road for a while. I had to climb up on the bucket of the backhoe to get on his back, I can't jump up from the ground like I did years ago. I'm just glad I can ride bareback, it's so much fun; Gilly was a good, good boy last night!
Oh ane you have dragons in your fire!! The moon is stunning...may I ask what setting do you use to get your moon shots. I have a less complicated CanonSX110 and I just can't seem to get a clear shot of the moon!! It's driving me nuts!! You moon picks are so perfect. Thanks hon, Sarah
Mmmm can smell the hay and the photos are lovely can just imagine you sitting out having a peaceful end to a great day :)
I am always more relaxed once the hay is in the barn.
Riding bareback is so much fun, I keep putting off getting a new saddle! Glad your ride was enjoyable and the pretty boy was good !
I also love to sit by the fire on a nice evening. Your moon picture is fantastic!
What a fun bareback ride!
Sarah, I just used the night time setting on the camera and it used the flash. It wasn't totally dark yet and that may be why it came out so good. My other moon shot from awhile back, I had to do some manual settings on the camera and use a tripod to take it. I will have to check out the camera and see if I still have the setting on it. I'll get back to you on that one.
Elizabeth, yes, the hay is smelling really good. It's being raked as I type this and tomorrow we will bale it. Where we live, down in a hollow, we have to get it up off the ground by 3:30 or the dew will set in on it and it will be damp. Haying here is a trick and a lot of luck!
Blackfeatherfarm, yes, once the hay is in the barn then it can rain! Bareback riding is a hoot, I love it and am getting better at it with every ride and it's loads of fun, Gilly has been a really good boy since I have been riding almost everyday, keeps his mind straight! LOL
What a great moon picture! And the chimnea is great. My neighbors have a bonfire most Friday nights and I have to get some wood for my fire pit so I can enjoy a fire and the pond/waterfall. Good boy Gilly! I use to do that with one of my horses too--bareback and just a halter/rope.
Have fun putting up hay. I use to do that and it use to be such good exercise. I also use to rake the hay and drive the tractor with baler. Those were the days!!
I guess I use to do a lot of things!! LOL
Oh, just love the fire you had!!! Romantic dear!..We too often sit with the chimnea in the eves sometimes for dinner and sometimes with wine and 9our kitty.
You look sooo good on that Gilly horse! I love you two together!
Oh...wanted to say..my Incredimail is acting up won;t send or recieve of late...so that is crappy...I have opened up a Yahoo mailbox though....please do write to me there if you please.
OOOhhh! Your moon photos are just stunning. SOme pretty color up there!
And I love the idea of sitting by the chimnea. So cozy and romantic!
You look so good up there on Gilly. I'm glad you got to enjoy some bareback riding time with your boy.
I miss riding bareback, too. Hopefully one day....
What a beautiful and peaceful place you live!! I really enjoy your pictures.
Thanks Jane for checking out my kitty paintings!
Hey Jane...lovin' your photos. You look great on bareback Gilly! Was chattin' about him the other day to a friend...she was very impressed with what you got...his temperament, his work ethic, etc. YAY!!
We want to build a stone fire pit in our back yard -- perhaps until that day happens, I should just buy a lil chimenea. :)
Ah to ride bareback again. I haven't done that since I was a teenager - I would often just get the bridle and ride my appy mare bareback. Hubby and I haven't had anytime this spring to work the horses, and right now it's just way too hot! They are getting lazy and fat out in the pasture!
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