The adventures of Gilly the rescue horse and his side kick and partner in crime, Pokey the donkey.


Being with a horse is a journey that never ends. What they have to teach us is amazing; but we must quiet our mind to hear them. ~ jca


Friday, July 4, 2008

July 3rd

This is Raymond, he's worked for my husband for 20 years; Thursday we had an appreciation dinner at the shelter close to the office. My husband owns and operates a heating and air conditioning business; Raymond was the first employee hired and still hanging in there!
Raymond opening his gift........
wish I had gotten a better picture of this beautiful clock, it's called a Solstice clock. You can see all the gears in it.
Then there is the card, dog looks like a dog we used to have......."Give me five.....Congratulations! Raymond has dogs, cats, chickens and card fits right in with the collection of animals.
Jennifer, our daughter, who is also the assistant office Raymond a hug; probably for putting up with her some days!!! LOL

Getting ready to eat. Jennifer had a caterer come with wonderful food for our meal. Not everyone could make it, they sure missed a great evening. Jennifer with her appreciation gift..........
Jeanie the office manager, her husband Michael, my husband Mike (the business owner) and Jennifer.Jennifer giving her dad a hug..........ahhhh!
The nicest thing for me was........I didn't have to cook dinner or do dishes that night!! hehehe
Next year Jennifer will have 5 years (opps! daughter has informed me that I have to change this; she will have 10 years in working for dad!.......where DOES the time go????) in working for dad, and three other employees will have 10 years in.........oh, boy, another party!!!

1 comment:

trailbee said...

Flipping backward, I found this wonderful event. Thank you for recognizing your employees, who are also your friends.It is not always so, and I can assure you from past experience (LONG AGO) that
a sincere thank you often is better than a raise! Could be, that's why we pet our pets. I truly appreciate your blog. Thank you for all those great Pokey/Gilly photos.


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