The adventures of Gilly the rescue horse and his side kick and partner in crime, Pokey the donkey.


Being with a horse is a journey that never ends. What they have to teach us is amazing; but we must quiet our mind to hear them. ~ jca


Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Pokey on a roll..............

Even though Pokey wasn't feeling good when we visited Lacy, he couldn't resist doing the thing he loves most.........
Rolling in the dirt!!! The arena was really dry, we haven't had rain in quite some time, so....the dirt was calling to him.
After smelling and wondering around in a circle he finally starts to do down............

thank goodness for high speed photography! These are a series of pictures taken as he was rolling and rolling in the dirt..........he really made the dust fly!Ahhhhh, this is the life, dirt, lots and lots of soft dirt!!!!
Now this has got to be the all time shot!!! Doesn't he look like a little dog sleeping on his back? This of course was a split second shot because he was rolling back and forth with that little tail whipping the dirt and causing clouds of dust to fly...............but what a happy boy he was.
When Gilly rolls in the dirt he shakes himself off and a cloud of dust flies, but not Pokey.........I guess he wants to be a dirty little donkey!!!


Dogpatch Primitives said...

These pics are priceless Jane!

beth n said...

he is the cutest of cute, I really want to get a donkey and some goats.
beth n

Sam I Am said...

awwwwww..lil pokey is adorable!!!!! i wanna come over and play on your farm!!!!

jane augenstein said...

yes, yes you all can come to the farm and play with Pokey! he would love it!!

Anonymous said...

he is just the all these pics Jane :)


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