The adventures of Gilly the rescue horse and his side kick and partner in crime, Pokey the donkey.


Being with a horse is a journey that never ends. What they have to teach us is amazing; but we must quiet our mind to hear them. ~ jca


Friday, April 3, 2009

Play Time


cowgirljlynn said...

I love to watching them playing and enjoying themselves!I never get tired of watching them!

Pony Girl said...

Those are great. I love how Gilly keeps coming up and stopping near you, then runs off again. Pokey is so cute!!
Why is the ground so "crunchy" there? Was it frozen? Is it dry? It looks dry, I am very jealous! :)

Desert Rose said...

Oh Pokey is so cute trying to keep up with Gilly!!!

Laughing Orca Ranch said...

Made me grin huge seeing him waiting expectantly for you to join him in his game.
And what a cute little buck, too!

Pokey got out of the way fast for a little guy! lol!


Jacque. said...

Hey Jane...LOVE the fun to watch Gilly (& Pokey). I do love that horse!

jane augenstein said...

PG, Gilly is very nosey and always wants to see what I am doing. Most times when he is out in the field all you have to do is lean over and look at his butt and he will come running in!
the crunchy sound is the dried Bermuda grass in the hay field, they were out in it eating.

Lisa, Pokey is quick on his feet for sure! Normally they run and kick and really put on a show, when I don't have the camera. I couldn't get them away from me that day!

cowgirljlynn, desert rose, Jacque, thanks for the comments, the boys are a pair! They are soooo very entertaining, never a dull moment around here!!

Sarah Sullivan said...

Hee hee love these!! Full of spring beans!! Jane it really is so fun to follow your blog!! I haven't had horses for so many years - I kinda feel like your boys are just a tiny little bit mine - in a blogger sort of way. Thank you for sharing them and yourself - I adore you too!!! Sarah

Anonymous said...

NO,never a dull moment with horses around!! Fun video. Yes, Gilly is very nosey. Julie

jane augenstein said...

Sarah, yes, they are both full of it! LOL I will share my boys with you, they would love it!!

Julie, life is full of adventures around here! One of them is always doing something!

Thistlebrooms said...

I just LOVE the sound effects in the mic of Gilly snorting at you...
Grest to see them in action...
Best to you and stay Warm...

Blackfeatherfarm said...

That was fun ! Gilly is so handsome, and such a nice mover too. And Pokey, Well, I just LOVE Pokey !

Five O'Clock Somewhere said...

What cute videos. They look like they are so happy and putting on some entertainment for you. I love when Gilly kicks up his heals and spooks Pokey.

Paint Girl said...

Love your videos! I love it when the horses are feeling full of it and run and kick up their heels! It must feel so good for them. If the mud ever goes away here mine would be doing the same thing. I always worry that they will hurt themselves running when it's so slick and muddy, I wish I had grass in the pasture like you!

jane augenstein said...

Marilyn, yes, Gilly had to come up and put his nose on the camera and blow into it; funny boy!!!

Blackfeatherfarm, thank you, Gilly does have nice moves, but hard to ride! :-)

Five O'Clock Somewhere, Pokey really over exaggerated his move when Gilly kicked, he wasn't even close! LOL

Hi Paint Girl, thank you. Gilly and Pokey were in a hayfield running, they wish it was their pasture! It's Bermuda grass from last year that is so crunchy sounding. So they have gotten to be in there eating some of it, their field is muddy and sloppy in some places. Hope it dries up soon!

JoJo said...

What beautiful and wonderful videos, Jane. There are times, when life seems to be so determined to beat me down, when I wish I could feel so free, just like Gilly and Pokey. And I do so envy you being able to ride. I wish I could still do that but unfortunately, the old bones and muscles won't take it any longer.

allhorsestuff said...

Awe...he really just wants to be near you Jane!

jane augenstein said...

JoJo, thank you, Gilly and Pokey have a grand time playing; don't seem to have a care in the world. So sorry you can't ride anymore, I hope I have many, many more years in the saddle. I would hate to not be able to ride.

Kac, yes, he likes to hang close to me. always sticking his nose into something! LOL


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