The adventures of Gilly the rescue horse and his side kick and partner in crime, Pokey the donkey.


Being with a horse is a journey that never ends. What they have to teach us is amazing; but we must quiet our mind to hear them. ~ jca


Sunday, September 20, 2009

Evening shots on the farm

Pictures taken in the evening pink sky, red at night sailors delight. Red in the morning sailors take warning. I think that is the way that goes. If I remember right red in the morning means rain or storms. We got some rain this afternoon, not enough though, we need rain, it's been pretty dry.

A fog sitting in over the hollow this evening also very humid. The trees are starting to turn and fall is definitely here, I love fall, cool crisp nights, the wonderful smell of the dry leaves. My most favorite sound in fall is Gilly's hooves crunching leaves as we walk through the woods! I would have loved to ride this week but I am trying to get over a cold and feel pretty ucky.

The boys finishing their hay and Gilly chewing on the salt block. Mike's animal, yellow bulldozer, sitting down by the tool shed. I need to take a picture of his collection of "Deere" sometime. LOL John Deere that is.

Hope everyone had a good weekend!


Pony Girl said...

Beautiful pictures! I love fall too, Jane! I hope you are feeling better. I am also in the midst of a yucky cold! Just got it Saturday, so I'm sure I'll be stuck with it for another week. At least it's not the flu!

cowgirljlynn said...

I love Fall too1 It is my favorite time of year it is so beautiful!! Hope you are feeling better!

Paint Girl said...

Beautiful pictures! Love that red sky!!

Alice ~ Folk Art Primitives said...

Your pictures are beautiful, Jane!! Just like out of a magazine!!!

Jennifer MacNeill said...

Gorgeous photos! I love the last one.

Laughing Orca Ranch said...

What peacefully idyllic views of your farm. Your photos and words are just so beautiful and calming.
Fall has arrived here, too. Our temps got down to 35 degrees! We had our first frost. It was so cold I had to wear a coat this morning to go to the barn. Brrr!



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