Now THIS is my idea of a COWBOY!! (sigh) Tom Selleck, oh, there are others too, Sam Elliott for one they look so good as cowboys. I have a BIG collection of their cowboy movies.
(Yes, it's crappy weather here and I haven't been out taking I'm dreaming a little....of spring and cowboys!! LOL)
I hope that spring is just around the corner, I am so tired of this cold, snowy, icy, muddy, unbearable weather! The winter doldrums, if the sun would peek out it would help.
Tomorrow my friend Kim and I are going to get her new companion pony for Lacy. Lacy will be thrilled to have a companion of her own. She always tries to steal Pokey from Gilly; it never works though. I will have the camera ready tomorrow to get some action shots!
Boy you surly Got that right...Tom Selleck has ALWAYS Will Always be a HUNK!!!Oh yea, you said Cowboy...That too!!!I remember Sam Elliott in the movie 'Prancer' too. (Cute Christmas flick) just his voice makes me weak!!! I think I better stop now before I get too carried away and they'll have to shut your BLOG down...Anyway have a wonderful day tomorrow Jane...
Ahh Tom Selleck love the old replays were getting of Magnum PI. I have an autographed photo from him. I worked in the Design Studio of a International Textile Company and our American agent got it for me when we were doing some work on condominiums belonging to Tom Selleck. Must look it out...and when I find it I'll post it on my Blog :))
Whoo hoo I'm with you - now that is a MAN!!!! I love "Quigley Down Under" - one of my very favorites!! Sarah
Me again Jane....sorry havent't found Tom yet but found something I'm sure you'll enjoy....almost as much. It's posted on my blog :)
Marilyn, oh, yes Sam has a very distinct voice, LOL, weak in the knees is right! WHOOOOEEE hot flash for sure!!!
Elizabeth, ahh, Magnum that's another good one, he was good in that. You lucky gal, an autographed photo. Well, after my brother passed away and we were cleaning out his house, I found a slide of Tom Selleck in Hawaii, my brother and his wife were vacationing there. It's here somewhere, I must look for it too.
Sarah, I love the Quigley movie too and don't have it...yet! But it's on my list of movies to get.
You all hop on over to Elizabeth's blog to see the picture she posted for me to see!! It's my favorite of all favorite racehorses, Seabiscuit!!!!
Oh yeah, long live cowboys! Gotta love 'em...
Can you recommend some good Tom Selleck cowboy movies for me??
I love the new header! Great picture!! I think Gilly is so handsome (I know I tell you that all of the time, LOL! I really mean it, though!! :)
AH YES...Cowboys, one of my favorite know who inparticular.
Well,this sure got my attention!
I just had to comment here...I compete at many of the horse shows Tom Selleck's daughter competes at and he is a supportive dad that comes to cheer her on. It is always so nice to see him, I mean really nice! My father introduced himself as a big fan at one of the year end awards banquets (I was embarrassed).
Five O'Clock Somewhere, wow seeing Tom Selleck at a horse show would be really nice! I probably would be so busy watching him I'd fall off my horse.......that would be embarrassing!!! LOL
Thanks for posting!! :-)
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