The adventures of Gilly the rescue horse and his side kick and partner in crime, Pokey the donkey.


Being with a horse is a journey that never ends. What they have to teach us is amazing; but we must quiet our mind to hear them. ~ jca


Thursday, February 5, 2009 about another glass of Lemonade or Two?

Well, I have been awarded another Lemonade Stand Award!! From Gail at Art by Gail H. Ragsdale who is one heck of an artist! Please go and check out her beautiful work. Thanks, Gail! As I was writing this post Sarah at Cottage Garden Studio another fine artist and all round great gal, so is Gail (smile) gave me another Lemonade Stand Award! You guys!!!

Pokey says, "Can you add some more sugar to my glass of Lemonade, it's a bit TART!!!!" Just before he lets out an ear splitting "Hee-Haw" right in my face. How can such a little guy make such a BIG noise and make such funny faces???

Gilly says he needs some more sugar to PLEASE! He is probably fibbing, he will drink anything and he really loves beer! OK back to business.......

Since this is the third time I have received this award, again thank you so much girls I really appreciate it and am flattered. But I am going to be like Pony Girl and break the rules. I am not going to name 10 people for the award I will let the others do it.

Well, it's off to the barn I go, time for the boys to have their supper.....hey it warmed up to 42 here today!!! It's supposed to be in the high 40's and mid 50's all next week!!! YIPPEEEEE!!


Sarah Sullivan said...

Hee hee... giggle - love the pics!!!! You deserve the award - love your blog!!! Sarah

jane augenstein said...

Thank you Sarah dear! :-)

allhorsestuff said...

Great Lemonade always refresh me!

jane augenstein said...

Awww! Thank you KK, how sweet!

Blackfeatherfarm said...

Fabulous fun photos and congrats on another lemonade award, your mouth must be permanently puckered !

Donnaallen said...

I've enjoyed your blog so much. We have a silly donkey, he makes faces and does the funniest things. It was fun to see your guys making funny faces! Loved your pictures...


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