The adventures of Gilly the rescue horse and his side kick and partner in crime, Pokey the donkey.


Being with a horse is a journey that never ends. What they have to teach us is amazing; but we must quiet our mind to hear them. ~ jca


Saturday, May 31, 2008

Slide show of my work.........

Since I am a rug hooker I thought I had better add some of my rugs for all to see. To date I have hooked over 200 rugs, in varying sizes; this slide show is just a few of them. My style of rug hooking is fashioned after the rugs of the 19th century; very primitive and child like in design. The mottled colors of wool is what makes them unique. I also do horse portrait rugs for customers; a way to have a keepsake of your favorite horse to pass on to future generations.


Julie Zickefoose said...

This is just a stunning show. How I wish the world were seeing it! When you get a solid readership you'll have to revisit this, because it is spectacular. I like Primitive Rooster and the Gilly Rug, for obvious reasons.

jane augenstein said...

Thanks Julie, I will have to figure out how to add this to the side page. Had a dilly of a time getting it on the way it was; reduced the size and took out some of the unwanted elements it had. Can't wait to ride up to your house again; Kim says we can ride through the meadow now??? Cool!!!!
Has Chet Baker recovered from all the excitement of seeing not one but two horses???

Alice ~ Folk Art Primitives said...

Nice show, Jane!!! Thanks for sharing!


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