The adventures of Gilly the rescue horse and his side kick and partner in crime, Pokey the donkey.


Being with a horse is a journey that never ends. What they have to teach us is amazing; but we must quiet our mind to hear them. ~ jca


Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Ice and Snow

Here are some pictures of our ice and snow when the power was off last week. The orange dot in the trees is a repair man from the electric company working on the downed lines. I would hate to have a job like that, these poor guys worked tired, wet and cold to get the power back on.
A shot looking up at the granary roof with icicles.

Looking from the sunroom at the ice hanging off the roof.

Ice and snow covered the pines but we had no damage to limbs.


Sarah Sullivan said...

Oh these are beautiful!!! Your home is sooo pretty!! I miss being in the country!

Angie @ thejunkranch said...

My husband has been one of those guys for 24 years...he has always loved his job even when he was wet, cold and tired.

Pretty pictures!

jane augenstein said...

Angie, to your husband and all those hard working repair men...they have my undying gratitude!!! Give him a hug for me! :-)

Gail H. Ragsdale said...

The lemonade award is yours(positive attitude blog award) come and pick it up :-)

Jennifer MacNeill said...

Gorgeous photos, love the icicles.

allhorsestuff said...

Jane..those are way gorgeous pics!!!
My favorite is the half and half barn/ice divider/snow!! I love may have to send that to me or sell that to me! Cool!
Glad that you are back this has really hit hard this year.
Balss all the hearts of the men and women working it out in the frozen world for us to be warm and lit!

artbykarieann said...

this looks just like Enlgand, cold and snowy. Urgh

Sarah Sullivan said...

Hey hon - I just wanted you to know I left an award for you on my blog!!!

Grey Horse Matters said...

Beautiful pictures. Ice and snow make everything look so fantasy-like, but in reality it's usually a nightmare, until someone in orange comes and fixes the power.

Blackfeatherfarm said...

That stuff is always so pretty, even though it causes problems, it makes nice pictures !

GoldieLoo Woodworks said...

Beautiful, but sorry you were without power, I hope you didnt loose any trees like we did ! Them repair men are my HEROS !

sandy said...

OH wow, that poor guy in the orange. His hands must be frozen...

beautiful photos.


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