The adventures of Gilly the rescue horse and his side kick and partner in crime, Pokey the donkey.


Being with a horse is a journey that never ends. What they have to teach us is amazing; but we must quiet our mind to hear them. ~ jca


Monday, February 23, 2009

More Snow and a Two Headed Equine

Pokey says, Hey Lucy what's up?? Come over here and let me bite your neck!
Pokey likes to chew on Lucy and sometimes he gets a little too rough for her liking, but then Gilly will do the same thing to her. She will squeal and snap at their noses but then come right back for more. Funny how animals play!

Pokey was smelling under her chin and Lucy will just stand there while he does. Sometimes she will turn her head sideways and let him smell or chew on her neck. It takes awhile for one of them to get a good bite on her because he has such a thick coat of hair.

Now Gilly is getting into the act and leaning over Pokey to see what's going on. Pokey is still intent on getting a bite of Lucy.

Gilly now has his face right beside Pokey's little face and his neck in entwined with Pokey. Looks like a two headed equine for sure! Lucy is still waiting for them to chew on her neck, come on guys lets play!! (click on the pictures to enlarge them)
We have several inches of snow on the ground and I am wishing it would just go away! I want spring and warmer weather so bad! I did get to ride Gilly last week for about an hour, ahhh, it was wonderful!!!


Elizabeth McCrindle said...

Love the new photos and banner and like your Calendar :))

jane augenstein said...

Thank you Elizabeth! I love my boys so I thought I would put them up first, the calendar is a new find. I am looking for the perfect background though; just can't seem to find the "right" one yet! :-)

Sarah Sullivan said...

Love the new banner too!!! I do love following you pictures Jane!! Your animals are daring!!! Wish I still had my big critters!!! Have a great day! Sarah

Pony Girl said...

I love those pics, especially of Gilly's head over Pokey's!
The snow may be a pain, but it sure looks beautiful, doesn't it? I heard Maine got 2 ft! Wow! We have rain's very gray. Hang in there, spring has to be around the corner!

jane augenstein said...

Sarah, thanks! I agree the boys are pretty darned cute!

Pony Girl...that is a PokaGilasaurs LOL (how's that for a name?)
2 feet? Glad we didn't get any of that, 3 inches is plenty! It's supposed to warm up some this week, I wanna RIDE and I can't in this slop, boo-hoo! :-(

Desert Rose said...

How wonderful to see these friends play and show affection for each other! I always pitty the people who say animals don't have feelings!!!

Jennifer MacNeill said...

Great photos! Love the new header too:)

JoJo said...

Jane, me too. I love your new banner picture and all of these pictures of Pokey, Gilly and Lucy?? Adorable!

We haven't had much snow at all this winter. Everything is brown and dry but at least the car stays cleaner and no one's tracking water from snow into the house. And we've already had a whole week when our temps were in the upper 60's and low 70's.....then we crashed back to normal. I've got daylilies budding....I'm ready for spring!

Anonymous said...

Jane, I enjoy your pictures so much. I check in every day to see what's new.

Thistlebrooms said...

What 'FANTASTIC' photos Jane..I just Love when they come out SO wonderful when it's 'bout that SNOW..."PLEASE LEAVE'!!!!! 'Nuff is Enough... Had it, don't want it, GO AWAY!!!! Need the SPRING...No more Hibernation...(hehehehehe)
Okay, said my Peace...It's just that I'm Freezin'...
Have a Great One Jane...
My Best...Marilyn

allhorsestuff said...

Love your Banner-ooou!!... and such sweet pictures of the equine/canines!

I will soon join you in being totally dependant upon outdoor conditions for riding. I will have thousands of acres to explore though,to my great delight and my Austrailian coverall slicker to wear if forboding weather threatens.

jane augenstein said...

Desert Rose-yes they are all friends, Lucy loves Gilly and Pokey; but sometimes stays clear of Pokey who can be a stinker and some days doesn't play nice! Bad Ass!!! LOL

Marilyn-I totally agree! This winter, snowy, slushy stuff can LEAVE now! I want spring to be here so badly...sigh...but then I will be complaining about the MUD!!! There is always an abundance of it down here in the hollow!

jane augenstein said...

KACY!!! Wow, so good to hear from you...hope the sun is shining on you dear friend! :-) Thanks, the banner is a good one of Big Gilly and baby Pokey; the picture was take about a week after I got him and both of them were all wet.
Are you going to horsey camp??? Oh, how I envy be SURE to take lots and lots of pictures to post for us to see! What a good time you and Wa-Wa Girl will have (like her new name?) You have a super time!!

artbyakiko said...

Nice to see different species hang out together and have fun. Animals are wonderful that way!

Leah Fry said...

I just love you little Pokey! Great banner shot, too.

Mary said...

Your blog gets prettier by the day! I'm lovin' Pokey and Gilley in the snow. It's heartwarming and sweet, Jane.


A Palmer said...

What a beautiful coat Pokey has! I agree with my sister, Sarah that the new banner is just great. Lots of mood! Feels quiet and peaceful...nice.

Blackfeatherfarm said...

Love the new banner and the photos are so fun too !


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