The adventures of Gilly the rescue horse and his side kick and partner in crime, Pokey the donkey.


Being with a horse is a journey that never ends. What they have to teach us is amazing; but we must quiet our mind to hear them. ~ jca


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

New Cookware

I have been needing new cookware for some time and finally decided on what I wanted. Cuisinart Chef's Classic Stainless-Steel, bought this from (LOVE shopping there!) I ordered this one Friday and it came today! Wow, that was FAST!!
So I unpacked it, washed it, dried it and put it away. Is this going to make me a better cook? Don't I wish!!! But unfortunately probably not.
It's nice and shiny and it be the last cookware I will ever buy, the other cookware I had was coated with Teflon and was starting to come off, not good I am sure...wish I had found the Cuisinart cookware earlier but then it may not have been on sale!
This was such a good buy, at least I hope it was! Had been $450 and still is on sale for $147. I also ask a friend of mine who is a chef about it and she said it was wonderful cookware!
OK, now I should probably go and look for a cookbook for dummies on Amazon too. But even better would be if I could find a cook, that only cooked good healthy food that tasted delicious.........I would even clean up the kitchen!!
Where, oh, where can I find that???


Alice ~ Folk Art Primitives said...

Now that's a good buy, Jane!! Happy cooking (if there is such a thing!!) ~ Alice

allhorsestuff said...

WHOA! very good steal!(steel!)

GoldieLoo Woodworks said...

Sounds like a steal of a deal.I need a set like that and a cook too. ;)~~Pam

Jennifer MacNeill said...

Whoa, these pots and pans look fun. I LOVE to cook. I need a new set too, maybe I should trot on over to Amazon. I love the hard anodized pans though.

I tagged you on my blog. Play along if you feel in the mood:)

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