Sorry to say I have no pictures in this post, didn't have time. Yesterday I was making Hot Pepper Butter which is mustard, hot peppers, green peppers, onions, sugar and vinegar cooked down makes some yummy dip for chips, pretzels and spread on ham sandwiches. I was making this for Christmas presents; when I finished I had to head outside to fill the bird feeder and noticed that it was pretty nice out. Even though the temp was only 33 degrees the sun was shining and it felt good out there.
Well, hey, I thought it's pretty nice out here how about a short ride on Gil! I looked up in the field and YIPPEE he wasn't very dirty at all so......back into the house for my coat, hat and gloves. I called Gil and he came, nickering as he moved toward the gate. I had grabbed his bridle with his new bitless noseband; he put his head right in it, unlike he did with the bit. Did a quick brush, he had burrs in his tail but what the heck, we only had about an hour before the sun went over the hills. When the sun goes over the hills here the temp starts dropping so I was in a hurry. Saddled up with the western saddle; got him to do some side ways, backing and a little trotting on the lunge line. Can't use the round pen, frozen. So I hopped on and took my chances! He was pretty full of himself as we started off.
When we got to the neighbors he decided he was NOT going anymore. Started backing up, rather fast and little hops like he wanted to rear! Well, we aren't having any of that so I got off, real quick! I had hooked a lead rope to the halter ring that came with the bitless noseband, great idea! He wanted to back up so we backed about 100 feet to the bridge and then some! He decided that backing wasn't really what he wanted to do. I found a high spot in the road bank and climbed back in the saddle. Gilly decided that going forward was a GOOD idea now! Good boy!
We rode on up the road without incident. He was moving at a nice walk and the bitless noseband worked fine. I think I still need to adjust the chinstrap a bit but he did really well with it. I am glad! I could feel my feet starting to get cold so I thought I had better head back toward the house. When we got back to the barn I decided just a few minutes more so we headed back the hollow to the shed. As we crossed the creek I wished I had brought the camera, there was ice frozen along the edges that really looked neat. Beautiful but cold.
Back at the barn after I unsaddled I realized I had forgotten to get the rhythm beads to put on Gil. DARN!!! I tied him up and went back to the house to get them; I can at least put them on him and trot him down the road a ways. Just as soon as he started to trot, he really arched his neck and flagged his tail, bouncing along so the bells would really jingle! I think he really likes his bells......hopefully next time I get to ride I will remember the bells!
Later that night I was looking though my horse catalogs for winter boots. Found some!!! Ariat, my favs, tall boots, insulated, back zipper, stylish.....Merry Christmas to me! LOL And they will be here before they say! Doesn't matter anyway, I just needed some warm boots. What do ya think? Like 'em?

Not sure when I will get the opportunity to ride again. It's raining outside right now and snow is on the way; temps are dropping. We are supposed to get up to 3 inches of snow and then more tomorrow. We may get a white Christmas after all!